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Transmission Characteristics

Output Power:2000mW

Operating Voltage:8V-25V(2S-6S)

Operating Current:800mA(12V testing)

Channel :24CH

Video Format:NTSC/PAL

Output Voltage:5V

Input Voltage(Jumper cap selection) Antenna Interface:SMA(External thread internal pin)


Output Voltage

Two output voltages, It can supply power to 5V and wide voltage cameras, Select the output voltage through a three-point jumper pad, and check the wiring scheme drawing for operation details. 1.The jumper pad is short circuited to the two points on the right, and the output is 5V at this time. 2.The jumper pad is short circuited to the left two points, and the input voltage of the power supply is output at this time.

2W TS582000 5.8G 2000MW 8CH FPV Wireless TransmitterAV Video transmitter sender

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